What a fabulous couple of days we’ve had at this year’s Great Yorkshire Show. It’s one of the biggest agricultural events, showcasing the best of British farming, food and the countryside, and our cheeses have won an outstanding number of awards in the Cheese & Dairy Show! We’ve achieved four GOLD, five SILVER, five BRONZE plus three trophies, that’s an amazing 17 awards in total and we couldn’t be more proud.
Our handcrafted traditional cheeses have secured the top spots across a wide variety of categories, including GOLD for Blacksticks Blue, Kidderton Ash and both our Butlers Farmhouse Tasty Lancashire and Crumbly Lancashire – sweeping the board across blue, soft and hard cheese categories! Plus our Butlers Tasty Lancashire won Reserve Champion in the entire Cheese Show! What a success, especially as the show attracted a record number of 867 entries from across the UK and abroad.
We’re going to be celebrating with a glass of bubbles and a cheese board (of course), what a perfect start to the weekend!
- Best Territorial Cheese: Butlers Farmhouse Tasty Lancashire
- Best Speciality Product: Blacksticks Blue
- Reserve Supreme Champion Cheese: Butlers FarmhouseTasty Lancashire
- Blacksticks Blue
- Kidderton Ash
- Butlers Farmhouse Crumbly Lancashire
- Butlers Farmhouse Tasty Lancashire